January 5th, 2020 (Bernie Sanders and City of Gold)

I was at the Little Rock airport. I guess I was going somewhere, but I decided at the last minute to not go because I saw Bernie Sanders. Bernie went through an automatic door and I followed him. He was all alone. He got onto a bus and I got on, too. I had no idea where it was going. I went towards the back so I could watch him. E was sitting back there with a woman. He saw me, and got upset I was there, I guess because he was with a woman. I said it is okay, I won’t tell her anything. The bus stopped somewhere, I didn’t know where I was. Bernie got off the bus. I looked around, there were huge skyscrapers of gold. I asked E if I could use his phone. He got out one of those old flip phones. I was trying to remember Js number, 563 was going through my mind. Finally, I got him. I asked if he could pick me up. He said sure, and asked where I was. I said I didn’t know, he asked me to describe it. I did, and he said it was Fayetteville. He came to get me. 

January 4th, 2020 (Middle Eastern Man, Trump, Yellowstone, Baltimore, Yellow Sky and Water)

There was a man that came to the USA, and he seemed very interested in me. We apparently had sex, as I ended up pregnant, but he had to go back to the Middle East. It was years later, and I went over to visit him. He was living in a strange place, I don’t know what country. I had our daughter with me. She must have been around 10. He was living in an apartment, but it was very bare. He was living with his father. I went to the stove to cook something, but it was a gas stove and I didn’t know how to use it. Trump was on TV, but not sure what he was saying. I looked out the window, the environment was very dark and strange. The man’s passport was sitting on a counter, also a booklet that had information on Baltimore and Yellowstone. We all went outside, as my daughter wanted to go to the beach. The water was colored yellow, as was the sky. There were dead bodies all over, on the beach and in the water. 

December 31st, 2019 (NOLA Flooding)

I was at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. I went outside to have a cigarette. All of a sudden, I was in New Orleans. It was flooded all over the place. There was a huge floating jail that they were keeping prisoners in, it was red and white. I was looking all over for my father. 

December 11th, 2019 (Nazi At Waterpark, Sky Changing, Nuke Plant Flooded)

I was at a strange house. I was not allowed to go inside the house, I don’t know why. I was digging things out of the trash. I was suddenly at the movie theater. I was with Will. We couldn’t get in because I didn’t have enough money. Suddenly, J appeared. He said we should all go to the water park, since it was opening that day. I said okay. He introduced me to his new wife, who was not a good person. She gave me dirty looks. We all got into a car, J and his wife in front, Will and I in the back. J kept talking about a new waterslide they had opened. We got to the park, and the wife of J took Will to the wave pool. I’m not sure where J went. I got in line to go on the new waterslide. The stairs going up to it were ridiculous, there were so many. It went up really high in the sky. it was swaying. There were so many people, it was so crowded. I would have conversations with the others. It was unnaturally hot for April. The sun seemed abnormal, it was shining too bright. I finally got to the top, and went on the waterslide. It was boring, and didn’t think it was worth it. I ran into J, and told him about it. He didn’t believe me, so we got in line for the slide. Will’s teachers were there, and they were talking about his progress. One of the women handed me a piece of paper. It had strange scribbling on it that I couldn’t read or understand. The woman explained it was a paper to see how Will was doing. We passed them on the stairs and got to the top. J said I didn’t take the quiz on my phone, which is why the slide wasn’t fun to me. I was really confused. The woman on the top that was letting people get on the slide was evil, and was dressed like a Nazi, with sunglasses. She wouldn’t let me get on it. J was allowed. As I went down the stairs, which were confusing me as some were going up, some were going down, I watched JM coming down the slide on some kind of sled. I was very annoyed, and wondered why he was on a sled. I was carrying a backpack and didn’t have a swimming suit on. He came to me and said it was the most exciting thing he’d ever done, that it felt like the Olympics in a hurricane. I asked why I didn’t have a sled when I had gone down earlier, he said I hadn’t taken the quiz. The sky was strangely bright, and the wave pool had turned into a lake, which parts were flooded, other parts were just puddles. We decided to go home because it was so hot. We got on a massive interstate, which had a lot of lanes. Some areas of the interstate were flooded. J wanted me to call C, I didn’t want to. We went by a massive nuclear power plant. It looked like it was melting down from the flooding. 

December 8th, 2019 (Sick, Mall, New President, Military, Party)

I was very sick. I didn’t know what was wrong. I was with my parents. They didn’t seem to care. I asked them to take me to the hospital. They didn’t take me there, instead we went to the Goodwill store. Finally, they took me to the hospital. It was Arkansas Children’s Hospital. We went to one of the upper floors. All the employees were way too happy, strangely happy. The doctor came along. She shined a light on the middle of my forehead and said I was sick with sinusitis. I asked if I needed a prescription, she said no. There was a pile of receipts. I asked the doctor if I could have them, she said yes, of course. The receipts were huge amounts of money, one was 1,777 dollars at Sam’s Club. I asked the doctor why everyone was so happy. She said because it’s the last Friday. I left the room and looked for my parents, they were on a different floor. They were looking at heaters and tables, furniture. Suddenly, we were at Southpark Mall. There weren’t any people there, it was exactly as it was when I was a small child, including the fountains. There was nobody in the mall, so we went across the street to Toys R Us. There was a huge party in there, for a man that had just become the President of the USA. He was a thin, younger man. I overheard someone saying “This guy will be worse than Trump”. The man spotted me and came toward me. He wanted to have a sexual encounter, but I didn’t. I tried to walk away. His main guy wouldn’t allow me. They grabbed me and took me outside. There was a huge helicopter in the parking lot. They made me get on it. I closed my eyes while the helicopter started up, as I was scared. I asked where we were going, the President said it wasn’t important. We went high in the sky, then the pilot started maneuvering to fly very low, in a residential area. There were houses. Some of the houses were trashed. Some had Christmas decorations. A lot of the houses had military tanks in their driveways. All of a sudden, we were at a bar. It was another party. I had no desire for it, so I went and sat down at a table near the back. I suddenly saw something awful and started screaming. There were hundreds of hairy black spiders coming out of the vents. People didn’t seem to care, and I couldn’t find a way out. Some of the people were freaked out. 

November 30th, 2019 (Judge Judy at Church Funeral)

I was in a strange little city. I was apparently in college or something. I was in this small room and we all had college textbooks. J was sitting next to me. He was complaining about the cost of the textbooks. He got mad at me, said it was my fault he was in the class. The small room was really crowded with people. There didn’t seem to be a professor. I don’t know what the subject of the book was. I took off the sticker on the book, and it said 700 dollars. We walked out of the class, and we were in this small little town. There was a white church. A bunch of people were going into the church. There was a funeral going on. People were dressed in black. Judge Judy walked into the church, she was crying. 

November 29th, 2019 (Scavenger Hunt, Church, Rotting Meat)

I was in Arkansas Children’s Hospital, yet I was very young. Temple Christian Academy was within the hospital. There was some kind of scavenger hunt going on. I would go from to room, looking for piles of shrink wrapped books. A man told me I needed to go to church. I said spirituality isn’t in a building, he then tried to push me out the window. I went to the grocery store. I was looking at meat in the case, but it was all rotten.

November 23, 2019 (Donald Trump in Bookstore)

I was in a mall. I think it was Southpark Mall, but I’m not sure. Donald Trump was working in the bookstore. I was supposed to meet my mother at the bookstore, but she wasn’t showing up. I was very young. Trump pointed me toward a room, where there were children’s books. I went in there, the room was practically empty. He then took me toward the back of the store. My mother showed up, I left the mall. We got into the car, and someone came along and smashed the car window. 

November 19th, 2019 (Prince and Hillary Clinton, Movie Theater)

I was in a movie theater, I was a kid. I kept looking at my watch. The time kept changing in a strange manner. I was very upset that the movies were taking so long, and told the girl I was with. She told me to go on and leave without her, so I did. I ran into a man that looked like Prince in the lobby in the theater. A very important person had died, I got the impression it was Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton kept making strange remarks on TV, that Hillary Clinton was the greatest woman of our generation. I went home, to the old house in East Moline. Again, the watch kept showing different times. I went to some downtown area. I didn’t recognize the place. All of the buildings were closed down and in terrible disarray. 

November 14th, 2019 (Running To Canada)

I was standing around, waiting for something to happen. I was outside. Someone had told me this rumor that K was living in Canada, but I didn’t believe them. Suddenly, K appeared, driving a white van. She told me to get in. I did, and I asked her if it was true that she was in Canada. She said yes, and that it was where we were going. I saidi didn’t have my current passport. She said it was okay, that they didn’t care. Somehow, we got into Canada without going by border patrol. We had to go back to USA, though, and I didn’t know how we would get back in. K told me to tell them I lost my passport. We went through an underground tunnel. 

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